Category: Technology News

Technology Related News

NEVER forget your mission NEVER divert from it

So today’s big news is about Twitter acquiring Posterous. It lead me to tweet this: “Eeeek… Posterous acquired by Twitter?! People, NEVER forget your mission, NEVER divert from it. If you do, you WILL fail.” Which, based on the replies, requires a bit more explanation (other than explaining what has caused me to start making mouse noises). If you are… Read more →

Bletchley Park – Remembering Herivel and the Herivel Tip

Last year I went up to Bletchley Park during the veterans’ reunion. Last year was quite a year for Bletchley. Simon Greenish, the Director of Bletchley Park, recounted the events of GCHQ succeeding in getting the government to recognise the people who worked there during the war, with the foreign secretary giving out medals to some of the veterans. The government… Read more →