Jain – Alright

Good music and power-sliding a BMW 5-series, what’s not to like? I love a good anthem, and am listening to a fair amount of French-language music at the moment, so Jain’s “Alright” from her 2018 album “Souldier” hit the spot for me this weekend. The video, directed by Greg&Lio, includes some very trippy effects, and even managed an award nomination. Check… Read more →

CauseWired – A Decade On

In November 2008 I read a book called CauseWired by Tom Watson.  NB This Tom Watson isn’t the Labour Party Deputy leader (here), he’s this one, the US journalist and critic. I wrote: If you look at my copy of CauseWired, you’ll see that I’ve marked more than one or two pages out, and if you follow me on Twitter, you’ll know that I’ve been… Read more →

If you don’t do the little things the bigs things will never happen

This week I spent an evening the company of David Gurteen, who is the wonderful human being behind the “Knowledge Café” series. This particular evening we were at the NHS London Leadership Academy. The conversation was, as usual, wide-ranging and challenging, particularly looking at how leaders can be meaningfully attentive, bridging the requirements to both deliver and to care in… Read more →

Ambulance in Motion - By Benjamin Ellis

Working at Velocity

I read the wired article on the Speedfactory at Adidas, via Katheryn Corrick. It is the best articulation of a trend that has been coming for a while: businesses outsourced manufacturing when there is no competitive advantage in it. When I worked at Cisco, in the days of its peak growth and value, it was really a software business, and… Read more →