I’m not really big on gardening. I’m very happy to look at a pretty garden, but not so happy to spend hours tending to one! That said, each time I do venture out, I learn something: Today it was something about ants and dandelions. Herbicides are off limits in our garden – appart from their impact, keeping chickens means they really aren’t… Read more →
Author: Benjamin Ellis
Couch to 5k – Getting Fit!
Thanks to a bit of inspiration and nudging, I’m grappling a long-outstanding goal that has been in my personal Milestone Planner (*cough* nominated by Lifehacker as one of the top 5 goal tracking services) plan for a while: Get Fit. It’s far too vague a goal, which is probably why I haven’t made any progress towards it in the last couple of years, so… Read more →
Rescuing the Reader
This post is a little overdue. I’ll blame my laptop mishap with a concrete floor last week, but that’s a story for another post, this one is about Google Reader, or rather the lack of it. Google have announced that they are powering down Google Reader. If you don’t know what Google Reader is, bear with me – you should… Read more →
Loving Live Music – Jazz Morley
So many things to blog about recently, but I’m writing about this one particularly – I’ll come back to the rest soon! I’m pretty sure it was Steve Lawson who first introduced us to the idea of house concerts. Either way, it was definitely Steve who first came to play in our home, and there’s been no looking back since.… Read more →
I’m on the Phone…
The good folks from NokiaAtWork have put a Lumia 920 in my hands for this month. I unwrapped it last night, and had my contacts, calendars and email set up in a couple of minutes. The Windows Phone 8 interface is refreshingly different (more on that in another post) – it’s very clear and easy to use. Day one has been… Read more →
London Lights!
You might have seen the new lights on London’s bridges, and some of the projections on the buildings during either the Jubilee, or the Olympics. If you did, and certainly if you didn’t, take a walk along the Thames in to London one evening and take a look – they are quite something in the flesh. In case you haven’t… Read more →