Awake, but a little sleepy, on a very sunny morning in Austin Texas.
The leg of the journey on Virgin Atlantic was excellent, and Jet Blue were in birthday mode, with balloons everywhere – although I just thought they were having a binary moment! Sam (@toodlepip)’s hat survived the journey, and we even managed to grab some healthfood in JFK airport.
Today is all about preparation and getting things ready. there are more people and more talks than ever at South by South West, and making sense of it all is a colossal task. Thankfully has a great set of tools for building a schedule, and there is an iPhone app too.
My poor body clock doesn’t know if it is coming or going – not helped by most of the local Police Department doing some sort of drive by siren drill at 3am! :)
It’s 6 hours off UK time, so I’m about to grab breakfast, even through my body is telling me that I’ve missed lunch.
Safe travels, to those heading out, and for those who are not, I’ll share the best bits via various blogs and twitter accounts (you should see most of the action via @digitalmission and any live blogging will be via @bmje).